Before COVID I would have several older patients on my unit at the hospital with flu. I haven't had many admitted with the flu since 2019. However they hospital doesn't dx anyone that I know of with covid unless their pcr comes back positive. They may be in isolation for COVID if they have symptoms until a test confirms it. I think the explanation that Jeffro gave is basically what is happening. I also read some studies that COVID prevents the flu virus from taking over. I'm off to work but will see if I can find the peer review study and post later.
adjusted knowledge
JoinedPosts by adjusted knowledge
Serious Question: Are You Hearing About Anyone With The Flu Anymore or A Cold?
by minimus infor years everyone was told they had to get the flu shot.
because the flu was dangerous and it could even kill you.
now, hardly anyone talks about the flu or having a cold.
Are You Concerned About Inflation?
by Simon ini saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
adjusted knowledge
I graduated high school in 1995 and worked in retail starting at $5.50 an hour. My manager was making $50,000 a year and I thought if I could get that income I would be set. If I work no overtime I make $67,000 a year as a cardiac RN. To have the same purchasing power for $50,000 in 1995 I need to make around $86,000. Therefore I have to work overtime/extra shifts to have that purchasing power.
The reported inflation is just not true. Sure you can buy cheap TVs and other electronics but you don't consume those products daily or even monthly. What we consume has exploded in prices over the decades and wages have not kept in pace. Lastly, when I enter the work force decades ago I could if I wanted to put my money in safe investments paying 4-6% interest. Now you lucky if the banks give you 0.5%. You really have no choice but to invest in equities, precious metals, start a business, or invest in real estate.
As far as minimum wage being increased to $15 an hour I'm not opposed but there will be negative consequences. In my hospital they pay their CNA or patient techs $16 an hour. Do you think a CNA will continue to work cleaning feces and urine off patients when they can make basically the same at a low skill job? Unless a "wage ripple" effect happens and raises all wages I don't see it being beneficial. Perhaps someone can point me to a study concerning this.
Nurses are unwilling to take the COVID-19 Vaccine
by adjusted knowledge ini work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
adjusted knowledge
Then they should be fired. Also not allowed to be employed in the health care industry until they do,
The hospitals can't keep the units staff with RNs and so I doubt they will resort to mass firings. The heavily hit area hospitals already paying travel RNS $3,000-$6,000 a week to work and still struggle to fill positions.
The two hospitals I work at have a mandatory flu vaccine policy and refusal requires wearing a mask the entire flu season. I've not seen nor heard of what the policy will be concerning the covid-19 vaccine. I attend to take it as I do with the flu vaccine.
Nurses are unwilling to take the COVID-19 Vaccine
by adjusted knowledge ini work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
adjusted knowledge
I work at two separate hospitals and most of the RNs I work with have stated they won't take the vaccine. I've read a report that 1/3 of RNs will refuse the vaccine. For those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an American phenomenon?
Coronavirus vaccination: Nurses, physicians await clinical trails (
Is it possible for any Country to have “Reasonable” Gun Laws? What would they be?
by pistolpete inso the new biden/harris gun policies are starting to appear.
it’s not clear yet, what they will be.. some suggestions; confiscate all guns.------buyback programs in each state.. there is much talk on social media that if this happens, the pandemic, + all the riots, + all the damaged property, + all the annual murders in america, - put together-will be like a sunday afternoon picnic, compared to all the deaths and property damage that will result because of “civil uprising” by millions of 2nd amendments advocates and just plain gun lovers.
americans love guns!.
adjusted knowledge
Prior to my career change some years ago I used to be a retail manager. I've sold hundreds of guns over two decades in Florida. When President Obama was elected and when there was any hint of serious gun laws being introduced there was a surge on buying both guns and ammo. I would have people line up at 4am at the sporting goods department just for a chance to buy a gun. We never knew what was coming in and when. Yet people would line up. Rifles that would sell for $700 would be purchased and resold for $2100. We ran out of ammo within minutes. I predict all this will happen again if it hasn't already. I've been out of the retail business for 5 years so haven't paid much attention. But I can tell you that what the Democrats propose to do will only increase the demand for guns and ammo.
I read through President Elect Biden's proposal and even if these laws get past they will be very difficult to enforce. There currently is no national database on who owns the nearly 400 million guns in circulation. I own 7 guns and only one I bought from a store and filled out an ATF 4473. That form is stored in a box at the store. The other guns I bought private party and there is no link to my name.
JW patient with covid-19 received blood transfusion
by adjusted knowledge ini had a patient admitted from a skilled nursing facility/rehab that is an active jw.
the patient had covid-19 as did most of the patients at that facility.
typically the local elders are all involved in these admissions but there is a strict no visitor policy which includes clergy.
adjusted knowledge
"I don't buy it. Why would a covid19 patient need blood? Unless it was the antibody plasma treatment"
You would need to take the time to read what I wrote to answer that question. His hgb was 6.9. Typically the physicians order 1 unit of PRBC if under 7.0. His blood transfusion wasn't to treat COVID-19 it was to treat his anemia.
What is so hard to comprehend here?
JW patient with covid-19 received blood transfusion
by adjusted knowledge ini had a patient admitted from a skilled nursing facility/rehab that is an active jw.
the patient had covid-19 as did most of the patients at that facility.
typically the local elders are all involved in these admissions but there is a strict no visitor policy which includes clergy.
adjusted knowledge
I had a patient admitted from a skilled nursing facility/rehab that is an active JW. The patient had covid-19 as did most of the patients at that facility. Typically the local elders are all involved in these admissions but there is a strict no visitor policy which includes clergy. This patient's poa is his/her daughter that approved a blood transfusion when the patient's hgb dropped to 6.9. The patient normally is alert and oriented and makes their own decision but not on this admission. I had to administer the blood transfusion because the patient assigned RN was also a JW, though they didn't know each other. Which is another interesting topic because there are 2 RNs on my unit that are active JW. One is willing to administer blood transfusions and the other refuses. She won't even set it up or go get the blood.
So I was wondering how many active JW are getting blood transfusions throughout the world since a lot of hospitals are having strict visitor policies. This takes the pressure off JW who don't have family members in there and also the group of elders that visit frequently.
Then also I was curious how the society or local elders view JW RNs that administer a blood transfusion.
*Last time I posted a clinical experience someone got bent out of shape that I violated HIPAA. I suggest you read up on it if you think this to be the case here. I listed no protected personal information that could identify anyone.*
Friends: Jehovah's Witnesses shunning drove Keego Harbor mom to murder-suicide
by adjusted knowledge in
lf you could be god would you and why and what would you change?
by atomant innot sure if this question has been asked before but thought it would be interesting to read peoples response..
adjusted knowledge
The first question is if I could be God, would I? No
If you had unlimited powers and could do anything your heart desire then the evil you see today would look like a paradise compared to what you would eventually do. I don't care how benevolent someone thinks they would be, you would do horrible things eventually.
"Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely" -- John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton
JW org doesn't need to make propaganda videos, their own members make them.
by adjusted knowledge ini had some witness that posted these.
adjusted knowledge
I had some witness that posted these.